April Photo Challenge

Another month has come and gone, and it’s time for the Photo Challenge round up for April! This time we challenged ourselves to a month of self-portraits. We all know how much I love self-portraits…!! Although it was a great challenge, and I’m sure it would be a good one for me to visit again, I can’t say that I ended up falling in love. I kind of wish I had, to tell the truth. Maybe I didn’t give it enough time? Perhaps selfies are an acquired taste, like oysters. At least I can say that I prefer taking self-portraits to eating oysters! 😉

I think the neatest thing about being part of this great group of photographers doing these challenges is that we get to see how others interpret the themes. I have to say, without a single hesitation, that some of the images this month blew my mind! I definitely encourage you to take a stroll around our circle if you have a few minutes. The link to the next stop is at the end of this post.

Here are a few favourites from my own work in April.

Quiet Time

The Editing Face

Laundry Overload

The Water Cycle


On second thought, that last one makes the effort all seem worth it. Why not try to get yourself into a few pictures? You might be surprised by what you come up with… Let me know how it goes!

Next stop on the self portrait tour is my friend Catherine’s blog. She’s a wonderful photographer who lives with her family in Alberta. Go on and check her out!

‘Till next time…